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5,100 Graft Hair Transplant Surgery | Dr. Thomas Nakatsui

  • Hair Transplant Restoration Surgery Hair Loss Hair regrowth natural Follicular Unit Transplant Follicular Unit Extraction Edmonton Alberta Canada
Number of Grafts: 5,100
Areas Treated: Hairline, mid scalp, and vertex (crown)
Number of procedures: 2
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This friendly patient experienced slow gradual thinning to throughout his scalp. The angles in which the grafts are transplanted is incredibly important for the end result. The frontal aspect of the scalp will have a different angle than the vertex. All of these angles and directions need to be followed in order to achieve a natural end result.
At the very front of the hair line, only singles are used. Immediately behind those singles, only double grafts will be used. This provides a natural appearance.  If grafts larger than 2 hairs are used at the very front of the hair line, it will be easily detected that was something done. Even in close up photos, the end result are undetectable. For more of Dr. Nakatsui’s before and after photos, please click here.