New FUE punch design announced at ISHRS 2020 conference

There are many different types of punch designs and some of them offer advantages over previous designs. At the most recent International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery 2020 conference, Dr. Nakatsui came across several new advances that he is eager to implement. One new advance is a new punch design that incorporates a hexagonal blunt portion of the punch shaft that uses vibration to help release the follicular unit from the surrounding tissue. As well, it has tiny grooves cut into the distal shaft. These changes, while they may appear subtle, should allow us to produce better grafts with even lower transection rates. Our dermatologist, Dr. Nakatsui, is really looking forward to incorporating this new advance into our FUE hair transplant procedures!
Dr. Nakatsui also came across several other hair transplantation advances that are very intriguing and will add these to our hair transplant blog in the near future.