Our Hair Transplant Before and After Results
We have patients from all over Canada, as well as patients from other parts of the world (even as far as Australia) who have come to have their procedures done. These are FUT and FUE hair transplant before and after results from a few of Dr. Nakatsui’s patients. These procedures were all performed at Nakatsui DermaSurgery (formerly Groot DermaSurgery Centre) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and the photos have not been retouched in any way other than to hide the identity of the patients.
Hair regrowth timeline for one of our FUE cases
Additional Before and After Hair Transplant Results Photos

Number of Grafts: 1,645
Areas treated: Frontal Hairline
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
This patient was thinning and receding along his frontal hairline and temples. He underwent a single session of dense packing using FUE. He received 173 single grafts, 720 two-hair grafts, and 752 three-hair grafts. Click here to see higher resolution photos of his FUE hair transplant results.

Number of Grafts: 1,725
Areas treated: Frontal Scalp
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This patient wanted to restore his frontal scalp, which had thinned significantly. He received 888 single hair grafts, 702 two-hair grafts, and 135 three-hair grafts. Click here to see some higher resolution photos of his hair transplant results.

Number of Grafts: 2,400
Areas treated: Hairline and Temples
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This patient experienced hair loss of the frontal scalp. His hairline receded to the point where he lost almost all of his hair in the frontal scalp. As with any hair transplant surgery, angle and direction of transplanted hairs is of utmost importance. Our dermatologist, Dr. Nakatsui, transplanted approximately 2,400 grafts in one session using dense packing and the lateral slit technique, and followed the patient’s hair direction throughout the frontal region. In the photos seen from the various angles, care and precision were important in order to produce a natural looking result. Click here to see some higher resolution before and after photos of his hair.

Number of Grafts: 2,186
Areas treated: Frontal Scalp
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This patient experienced hair loss of the frontal scalp. Dr. Nakatsui transplanted 2,186 grafts in one session and followed the patient’s hair direction throughout the frontal region. Click here to see some higher resolution photos of his before and after hair transplant results.

Number of Grafts: 5,000
Areas treated: Hairline | Mid | Crown
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This gentleman came in with progressive hair loss all throughout his scalp. The hairline, temples, mid scalp, and crown had thinned out significantly. Dr. Nakatsui transplanted just under 5,000 grafts in one surgery. What was interesting about this patient’s hair loss was that his natural widow’s peak was slightly off centre. A few hairs were implanted into this section. The end result is completely undetectable and incredibly natural looking hair restoration. For more before and after photos of this patient please click here.

Number of Grafts: 3,000
Areas Treated: Hairline and Frontal Region
Number of Procedures: 1
Type of Surgery: Follicular Unit Transplant (Strip)
This gentleman came in with progressive hair loss throughout his scalp. Dr. Nakatsui transplanted approximately 3,000 grafts for his final hair transplant result. The nice thing about this patient is that he grew out his hair demonstrating that hair transplanted hairs grow just like regular hair because it is natural hair. Click here to see some higher resolution photos of his hair transplant results.

Number of Grafts: 2,700
Areas Treated: Hairline and temples
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This man came into our clinic with hair loss to the hair line and temple regions. Dr. Nakatsui transplanted approximately 2,700 grafts. The hair line requires the most attention to detail as it is the most visible area and also the first thing that people will notice. If there are any irregularities, it can be spotted very easily. Because we dense packed the area, he is even able to cut his hair really short in the transplanted area with no evidence that this is a transplant. Another important detail with the hairline is that, although technically possible, it is not recommended to lower the hairline too drastically as this may look unnatural as the patient ages. Click here to see some higher resolution photos of his before and after results.

Number of Grafts: 2,200
Areas transplanted: Crown and temples
Number of procedures: 2
Type of surgery: Follicular Unit Excision (FUE)
This young gentleman came to our clinic complaining of hair loss to his crown (vertex) and temples. The patient opted to have follicular unit extraction surgery (FUE). Dr. Nakatsui transplanted 2,200 grafts into the crown and temples to regrow hair in these thinning areas.
At our centre, when FUE surgery is performed, Dr. Nakatsui is the sole individual extracting the grafts manually by hand. Dr. Nakatsui takes precaution and care when extracting the donor hair. The donor hair can change angles ever so minutely below the surface of the skin. If care is not taken and angle is not accounted for, the risk of transecting (cutting through) a hair increases, therefore rendering the graft unusable. For more before and after hair restoration photos of this patient’s crown regrowth FUE results, please click here

Number of Grafts: 2,200
Areas Treated: Frontal Region
Number of Procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This pleasant patient of ours came into our clinic with hair loss of the frontal region of his scalp. We discussed the various treatment options and the patient proceeded with hair restoration surgery. A total of 2,200 grafts were transplanted in one session into his frontal region for the end result. For additional before and after photos of this patient’s hair restoration results, please click here.

Number of Grafts: 5,100
Areas Treated: Hairline | Mid | Crown
Number of procedures: 2
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This friendly patient experienced slow gradual thinning throughout his scalp. The angles in which the grafts are transplanted is incredibly important for the end result. The frontal aspect of the scalp will have a different angle than the crown. All of these angles and directions need to be followed in order to achieve a natural end result. See more photos of his crown and frontal scalp procedures here.

Number of Grafts: 3,000
Areas Treated: Hairline and temples
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This gentleman came to our hair loss clinic with recession to his hairline that extended back to his mid scalp. Dr. Nakatsui transplanted approximately 3,000 grafts in one session for the final result. Close examination of the hairline demonstrates the absolute importance to angle and the use of follicular units (the very basic units of hair) when performing a hair transplant. To view more of this patient’s before and after results, follow this link.

Number of Grafts: 1,700
Areas transplanted: Crown (Vertex)
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This crown hair transplant result is from one of Dr. Nakatsui’s earliest patients. The before photo is a Polaroid from 2003, while the after photo is a digital photo. It shows how naturally the crown hair regrowth in terms of natural angle. The benefit of this photo shows two things:
- 1) The absolute importance of angle in a hair transplant. The vertex has a high degree of angle change. If the angles are not followed correctly, the end result will appear unnatural.
- 2) The transplanted hairs, once they grow in, can be coloured just like your regular hair, because it is your own natural hair.

Number of Grafts: 2,572
Areas treated: Hairline | Mid
Number of procedures: 1
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This is a patient who came in and was concerned about the progressive thinning of his hair, particularly his temples. We decided to fill in the frontal scalp as it was this area that concerned him. He received 596 single grafts, 1440 double grafts, and 536 big grafts, for a total count of 2572 grafts. He is ecstatic about his results so far and his post op photos are about 11 months out.
You can find more before and after photos of this patient here.

Number of Grafts: 4,700
Areas treated: Hairline/temples/front region
Number of procedures: 2
Type of surgery: Strip (FUT)
This patient came into our hair loss clinic with progressive hair loss throughout his scalp. Approximately 4,700 grafts were transplanted over 2 surgeries for this patient’s end result.

Number of Grafts: 4,000
Areas treated: Front/Mid/Vertex
Number of Procedures: 1
Type of Surgery: Strip (FUT)
This gentleman experienced very significant diffuse thinning throughout his scalp. In this case, we decided to fill in the scalp to provide coverage rather than density. Dr. Nakatsui transplanted approximately 4000 grafts (or approximately 8,500 hairs) in one session for this end result.
Ideally, he could have used more grafts but this was all we could get in one session as his scalp did not have sufficient laxity to get more.

Number of Grafts: 407
Areas Treated: Right retroauricular region, right temple, and mid frontal region
Number of Procedures: 1
Type of Surgery: Follicular Unit Excision (FUE)
No procedure is too small for Dr. Nakatsui, as is the case with this this man who came to see Dr. Nakatsui regarding scarring alopecia that occurred over 20 years ago. He had no complaints or issues with hair thinning, rather just 3 areas of scarring alopecia. The patient advised us that he had surgery elsewhere where the surgeon excised a portion leaving visible scars. He wanted to cover up these scars and avoid any additional scars and opted for FUE. Ultimately, the end result is very natural, thick, and blends in well with his surrounding hair. You can find more information about this patient and more before and after results here.